Don Bi'zaad

In the Navajo language the title Don Bi'zaad means "Don his words".

Since my wife Nona and I have spent the last 25 years in missionary labors among the Navajo
and other First Peoples of the SouthWest this blog will be notes of memories and events.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 22, 1983

Twenty-five years ago today was a Saturday, hot and humid in West Virginia. The day was spent loading the Ryder Rental Truck with all our earthly belongings. Dad, the late Bob Walker, and myself were soaking wet at the end of the day. Nona and the children helped us put in the little things. I now remember Alicia and Jonathan taking one last ride down our sloping front yard on there little 3 wheelers. This definitely was a passing of a time to never be revisited. We went to bed exhausted ready to head out the next morning to travel to Narrow, VA for a deputation service and homecoming.

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